Basic HTML interview question and answer



HTML is the most fundamental component of the Web (HyperText Markup Language). It describes the purpose and organisation of web content. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, these below given interview questions will help you dive into the world of HTML and assess your knowledge. From basic tags to advanced concepts, we'll cover a range of topics of html coding questions for your easy reference and clear understanding. So get ready to showcase your HTML skills and discover new insights as we explore the frequently asked interview questions in this Article. Our Nithra Jobs site will teach you the basics of HTML interview questions..Let's begin!

1. What is HTML stands for - HyperText Markup Language

2. How many different header sizes are offered by default in HTML? 6 different headings

3. Who is the HTML's father? Tim Berners-Lee

4. Which character is used to represent the closing of a tag in HTML? The forward-slash (/)

5. What is the syntax to include comment in an HTML document? !-- Comment --

6. What is the sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage is ? html, head, title, and body.

7. What is the syntax of doctype in HTML? < !DOCTYPE >

8. What element is responsible for making the text bold in HTML? Bold tag

9. What is the smallest header in HTML by default? h6

10. What kinds of lists are there in HTML? Ordered, Unordered Lists

11. what is the tag is used to create body in html? < body >

12. What is the appropriate HTML syntax to use when constructing a link on a website? < a > and tags < /a >

13. What is the html tag will use to scroll a text in web page? marquee Tag

14. What is the HR tag in HTML used for? < hr > tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page

15. How to create an unordered list (a list with the list items in bullets) in HTML? < ul >

16. What is the correct way to comment on html? start with

17. Which attribute is used for data binding? "datasrc"

18. HTML is a subset of ______. SGML (standard generalized markup language)

19. ALL HTML tags are enclosed in what? < >angle brackets

20. In which part of the HTML metadata is contained? head

21. WYSIWYG stands for _______. What You See Is What You Get

22. In HTML, on and off tags are referred to as 'tags'. Container tags

23. Content-free HTML tags are referred to as _____. empty elements

24. The _____ tags are used to define HTML headings. h1 to h6 tags

25. What type of tag do you use to identify pre-written text? pre tag


basic html interview questions and answers for freshers are crucial for assessing a candidate's understanding of the Hypertext Markup Language. These html interview questions delve into various aspects such as syntax, structure, elements, attributes, and semantic markup. To determine your ability and proficiency to work with other web technologies, employers will test your knowledge by asking the above given question. Overall, HTML interview questions play a vital role in selecting competent individuals for web development roles.


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