Basic Interview Questions and Answers for PHP - 1

Basic Interview Questions and Answers for PHP - 1


PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor is a widely used open-source server-side scripting language especially suited for creating dynamic websites and mobile APIs. PHP is one of the top languages because of its ability to have a large impact on the outcome with very little code. This amount of efficiency has been a requirement for the past few years in the industry. Today, this article will walk you through the most commonly asked PHP interview questions for freshers and experienced in the industry. Are you searching for PHP-related jobs in Tamil Nadu? Nithra Jobs helps you find PHP-related jobs in your locality. And also, you can learn PHP basic interview questions through this article.

1. Who is called the father of PHP? Rasmus Lerdorf

2. What was the old name of PHP? the Personal Home Page Tools

3. What are constants in PHP? an identifier (name) for a simple value.

4. Which programming language is similar to PHP? JavaScript (JS)

5. What is the PHP scripting engine called? Zend Engine

6. Which programming language does PHP resemble? Perl, C, and Java

7. What does pear stand for in PHP? (PHP) Extension and Application Repository

8. Which terminal command allows you to enter a PHP interactive shell? php -a

9. What are the two ways to define a constant? literal constant, defined constant

10. What is the default constant in PHP? case-sensitive

11. What is the use of count() in PHP? returns the number of elements in an array

12. The default file extension in PHP is ____. Php.

13. What is the correct way to declare the constant in php? define() function.

14. How does a variable name start in PHP? Sign $

15. What is the syntax of comments in PHP? /* */, # , //

16. What is the use of session in PHP? Store data across multiple pages

17. A function in PHP which starts with __ (double underscore) is known as __________. magic functions

18. How many functions provides PHP a number of for searching and replacing strings using Perl-compatible regular expressions? 8

19. A PHP function is used to determine a file's last access time. fileatime()

20. PHP recognizes constructors by the name _________. function __construct()

21. The developers of PHP deprecated the safe mode feature of which PHP version? PHP 5.3

22. What does PDO stand for? PHP Data Object

23. What is the use of the function 'imagetypes()'? to determine the type of an image.

24. How many types of arrays are there in PHP? three types

25. What are the ways to include file in PHP? Include & Require


The most frequent PHP interview questions asked by job applicants were some of these abilities. These PHP interview questions for beginners and professionals should be useful to you whether you're just beginning your PHP job or are ready to grow in it. The article that follows should give you more confidence to succeed in any interview.

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