Basic Interview Questions and Answers for SQL - 2



SQL is an essential skill for anyone who wants to work with data. Whether you are a software developer, a data analyst, or a database administrator, SQL is a fundamental tool you must master. In fact, SQL is often a key requirement for many job roles related to data management. If you are preparing for an SQL interview, it is important to have a good understanding of the language and its applications. SQL interviews can cover a wide range of topics, from basic questions to database management techniques. To help you prepare for your SQL interview, Nithra Jobs has compiled a list of common SQL interview questions.

1. What is a constraint in SQL? Rule

2. What is the valid SQL for an Index? CREATE INDEX ID

3. What are the Unicode character string types in SQL? "nchar", "nvarchar", "nvarchar(max)", and "ntext"

4. What does BLOB in SQL stand for? Binary Large Objects

5. What are the three basic SQL DML commands? SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.

6. SQL has how many main commands for DDL: 3

7. SQL expresses an insertion operation as. INSERT INTO SQL

8. What clause is used for ordering data in a table? ORDER BY Clause

9. Scalar subqueries are useful in SQL update statements, where they can be used in the. Set clause

10. what is the commands is used to delete all rows and free up space from a table? TRUNCATE command

11. What is the size of integer in SQL? 4 bytes

12. The SQL keyword(s) ________ is used with wildcards. LIKE operator

13. A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement is enclosed in: parentheses

14. The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a(n) ________ . Table

15. What is the qualifier is used to remove duplicate rows from the results of an SQL SELECT statement? DISTINCT keyword

16. The SQL keyword BETWEEN is used: Selects values within a given range

17. What is the full form of DDL? Data Definition Language

18. What are rows of a relation known as? Tuples

19. What is the commands are used to put a restriction on the number of rows returned from a query? LIMIT

20. What is the function to compare two strings in SQL? STRCMP()

21. How many primary keys can be created in SQL? ONE primary key

22. what is the commands is used to delete a trigger in SQL? DROP TRIGGER

23. What is NOLOCK in SQL equivalent to? READ UNCOMMITTED

24. What is the name of the query that is placed within a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query in SQL? Subquery

25. SQL views are also known as? Virtual table


These questions are just a small sample of what you can expect to see in an SQL interview. By studying and practicing with these questions, you can gain the knowledge and confidence you need to excel in your interview and land your dream job in data management.

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