Basic Java Interview Questions and Answers - 1

Basic Java Interview Questions and Answers - 1


In the modern IT sector, Java is the most widely used programming language. There are many job opportunities for this job are available learn and grab the job vacancies. A similar goal is served by this article. This full guide from Nithra Jobs will teach you how to answer the most typical java coding interview questions.

1. Who invented Java programming? James Gosling

2. Which component is used to compile, debug and run Java programs? Java Development Kit(JDK)

3. What is the extension of Java code files? .java

4. What environment variable is used to set the Java path?JAVA_HOME

5. What is the concept of Java? Object-oriented programming language

6. What type of polymorphism used in Java Programming? Runtime polymorphism and Compile-time polymorphism.

7. Number of primitive data types in Java area. 8

8. What is the Java float and double size? 32 bits and 64 bits

9. Which keyword in Java is used to define interfaces? Implements

10. What are the keywords used in exception handling in java? try, catch, finally, throw, and throws

11. What is a Java class's main method syntax? The reference of the array

12. With Java code, how do you add COMMENTS? start with two forward slashes ( // ).

13. In Java, how do you construct a method? methodName()

14. What is the extension of compiled java classes? .class

15. What is the Java char data type numeric range? 0 to 65,535

16. Which class offers server side implementation that is system independent? ServerSocket

17. When a method is called, where are the system's local variables and parameters stored? Stack

18. In Java, what keyword is used to construct a class? class

19. Which block handles the exception that the try block generated? Catch

20. The Java API library package is imported using which keyword? Import keyword

21. How do you begin coding a Java while loop? while (x > y)

22. How many constructors the string class have?13 constructors

23. An API called _________ allows Java programmers to create Graphical User Interface (GUI) or Windows-based applications.Java Abstract Window Toolkit

24. When should you use a javac? Compile a java program

25. The System class defined in java belongs to? java.lang package


In this article, java interview questions and answers for freshers are listed with important questions for Java programming learners which will set you apart in the interview process. Basic java interview questions are most useful for preparing interviews.

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