Basic Python Interview Question- 2


Basic Python Interview Question- 2


Do you have anything planned for the Python interview? Are you interested in learning how to succeed in the interview? You can benefit from Nithra Jobs. The most typical Python interview queries and solutions are covered in this post to help you pass the interview. Being well-prepared for the interview process is especially important. With the expertise and confidence provided by these Python interview questions, you will be prepared to win your Python job interview.

1. In Python, the break and continue statements, together are called ___ statements. Goto

2. The for loop in Python is used to ___ over a sequence or other iterable objects. Iterate

3. How to create a frame in Python? Frame = Frame()

4. What is the special symbol used in Python to add comments?#

5. Python first appeared in. February 1991

6. Python filename extensions are. py, . pyi, . pyc,

7. What is the predecessor of Python? ABC programming language

8. What does the format () function return? a string

9. What is the function used to find the length of the string in Python? Len() function

10. What is a type of inf in Python? float type

11. What is the part of the function header in Python? Function Name and Parameter List

12. What is the correct expansion of CSV files in Python? Comma Separated Values

13. What is the default extension of a Python file? .py

14. What are the two types of recursion in Python? indirect and direct recursion

15. What is the default value of encoding in encode()? UTF-8

16. What is the return type of function id? unique id

17. What is the environment variable for Python as an alternative module search path? PYTHONHOME

18. What is the maximum possible length of an identifier? 79 characters

19. In which year was the Python 3.0 version developed? 2008

20. What is the method inside the class in Python language? Function

21. In UNIX, a key combination is used to quit the Python shell. Control-d

22. The Python statement, like in C, continues with the next iteration of the loop. Continue

23. Defining a function in Python, the statement starts with __. Def

24. What keyword allows us to load a module in Python? Import

25. The ________ module is used for creating and manipulating Data Frames in Python. Pandas


The quickest way to get ready for a Python interview is to practice, using both programming tasks and mock interviews. By doing this, you will develop the self-assurance and abilities required to succeed in any interview for a job requiring Python.

python part 2 article

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