C Basic Interview Question and Answer - 2

C Basic Interview Question and Answer - 2


If you want to gain knowledge with the basics of C Interview Question and Answer, you can learn in Nithra Jobs. It is a great way to learn c programming questions even if you are unfamiliar with programming quiz. The C programming language will teach you the most essential concepts. It is known as the mother language. This is a language that is used for making operating systems like windows, ios, and other operating software.Because it is portable, this language is quite effective. It follows top to down approach. It is a hardware-dependent language.

1. If your program throws an error while dividing by zero, this type of error is called? Run-time

2.__________ is a set of built-in functions that can be used directly in C programs.Header file

3. Is it possible to have the first letter of an identifier in C language? Only Alphabetic Letters (a-z, A-Z) or underscores (_)

4. String Concatenation means: Combining two strings

5. What are the 5 types of C? - Floating-point, integer, double, character. Union, structure, array.

6. A non-inherited data type in C? Enumeration

7. The integral data type is. Char

8. The %u format identifier is used.unsigned decimal

9. The size of an int data type is. depends on the compiler/system

10. If k is a variable of type int, what is wrong with the following statement? for(k = 2, k <= 12, k++) - Commas must be semicolons.

11. The type of controlling expression of the switch statement cannot be of type.Float

12. The declaration of illegal in C? char[] str = "C programming test at codes cracker";

13. In which keyword is used to prevent any changes in the variable within a C program. Const

14. What is the right way to Initialize an array? int num[6] = { 2, 4, 12, 5, 45, 5 };

15. What is the return type of the sqrt() function?double

16. If not specified in the function definition, what is the default return type? int

17. The value received in the function is returned to main() using the _____ keyword. Return

18. Functions always exist in C. External

19. What is the purpose of an activity? From the point of declaration to the end of the file being compiled

20. In the statement below, what is meant by "array"?int array[20]; - Identifier

21. The most optional function to read a string in C? fgets()

22. The data type is used to store real numbers in the C language. float

23. The mathematical function would you use to round off 4.23 to 5? ceil(4.23)

24. What is necessary for every C program? main function

25. The operator is used to check if a particular bit is on or off. &


C programming questions are for anyone who has basic computer knowledge but wants to get into programming. Arguably, it's the best way to learn C as your first language. Are you excited to explore the ins and outs of the C language? Then make sure you set aside enough time to reach your goal.

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