Problems on Ages

Problems on Ages

Start solving the ages sums for the competitive exams!


Are you struggling with aptitude? It is usual that solving aptitude sums is quite difficult, but from here you can learn it more easily, the formulas and the example sums were given along with the solutions, start working out!

Formulas to use:

1. If the current age is x, then n times the age is nx.

2. If the current age is x, then age n years later/hence = x + n.

3. If the current age is x, then age n years ago = x - n.

4. The ages in a ratio a: b will be ax and bx.

5. If the current age is x, then 1/n of the age is x/n.

1. The sum of the present ages of two persons C and D is 45. If the age of C is twice that of D, find the sum of their ages 5 years hence?

Answer: 55 years


Given data, the present ages of C + D = 45 and C = 2 * D

To find, sum of their ages after 5 years C + D = 45

2D + D = 45

3D = 45

D = 15

Then, C + D = 45 C + 15 = 45

C = 45 - 15

C = 30

The present ages of C and D are 30 and 15 years

The Sum of their ages after 5 years = 35(30+5) + 20(25+5) = 55 years

The Sum of their ages after 5 years is 55 years.

2. A man said to his son, "I was two-third of your present age when you were born". If the present age of the man is 50 years, find the present age of the son?

Answer: 30 years


Let the Present age of the son be P and The age of the man was (50 - P) [ when son was born] Given, Man's age when the son was born is 2/3 of P (50 - P) = 2/3 P

3 * (50 - P) = 2 P

3 * 50 - 3p = 2p

150 = 2p + 3p

150 = 5p

p = 150 / 5

= 30

The Present age of the son is 30 years.

3. The ratio between the present ages of P and Q is 6: 8 respectively. If the difference between Q's present age and P's age after 5 years is 3. What is the total of P's and Q's present ages?

Answer: 56 years


Let the present ages of P and Q be 6x and 8x years respectively Given, 8x - (6x + 5) = 3

8x - 6x - 5 = 3

2x = 3 + 5

2x = 8

x = 4

(P's + Q's) present ages = 6x + 8x

= 14x

= 14 * 4

= 56 years

P's and Q's present ages = 56 years.

4. A is three years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C be 48, then how old is B?

Answer: 18 years


Let C's age be x years

Then, B's age = 2x years and A's age = (2x + 3) years

(2x + 3) + 2x + x = 48 5x + 3 = 48

5x = 48 - 3

5x = 45

x = 9

B's age = 2x

= 2 * 9

= 18 years

B's age = 18 years.

5. Sachu is younger than Ragu by 8 years. If their ages are in the respective ratio of 5 : 7, how old is Sachu?

Answer: 20 years


Let Ragu's age be x years.

Then, Sachu's age = (x - 8) years (x - 8) / x = (5 / 7)

7x - 56 = 5x

2x = 56

x = 28

Hence, Sachu's age = (x - 8)

= 28 - 8

= 20 years

Sachu's age = 20 years


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