Mensuration aptitude questions and answers - part 2


Mensuration aptitude questions and answers


Nithra jobs provides an introductory guide to Mensuration aptitude questions and answers. It is a great source of information and can help to prepare you for upcoming exams. Nithra jobs are making mensuration problems easier to solve by providing complete step-by-step solutions. With the help of Nithra jobs, students can quickly understand the concepts behind mensuration problems and learn how to apply them. The formulas used in this sums are already given in the previous article. Here is the link. kindly visit if you need the formulas!

6. What will be the cost of building a fence around a square plot with area equal to 289 sq ft, if the price per foot of building the fence is Rs. 58 ?

Answer: Rs. 3944


Let the side of the square plot be 'a' ft.

Given area of the plot (a × a) = 289

⇒ a = 17

Length of the fence = Perimeter of the plot = 4a

⇒ 4 × 17 = 68 ft.

The price per foot of building the fence is Rs. 58

⇒ 68 × 58 = 3944.

Cost of building the fence = Rs. 3944

7. A solid metallic spherical ball of diameter 6cm is melted and recast into a cone with diameter of the base as 12cm. What is the height of the cone?

Answer: 3 cm


Volume of the spherical ball Vs = 4/3πr3

= 4/3π × 33

= 36π cm3

Volume of the cone made from sphere Vc = 1/3πr2h

= 1/3 × 62 × hπ

= 1/3 × 36hπ

= 12hπ

Vs = Vc

⇒ 36 π = 12hπ

⇒ h = 36/12

= 3 cm

The height of the cone is 3 cm.

8. At the rate of Rs. 2 per sq m, cost of painting a rectangular floor is Rs. 5760. If the length of the floor is 80% more than its breadth, then what is the length of the floor?

Answer: 72 m


Let the length and the breadth of the floor be l m and b m respectively.

l = b + 80% of b

l = b + 0.8 b

l = 1.8 b

Using the unitary method to find the area of the rectangular floor.

Number of square meters painted in Rs.2 = 1 sq.m

Then the number of square meters painted in Rs.1 = 1/2 sq.m

Therefore, the number of square meters painted in Rs. 5760 = 1/2 × 5760 = 2880 sq.m

Area of the floor = 2880 sq m

Length × Breadth = 2880

l × ( l / 1.8 ) = 2880

l2 = ( 2880 × 1.8 )

l2= 5184

l = 72

The length of the floor is 72 m.

9. The perimeter of a rectangle of length 62 cm and breadth 50 cm is four times perimeter of a square. What will be the side of the given square?

Answer: 14 cm


Given that,

Length= 62 cm

Breadth = 50 cm

Let the side of the square be a cm.

Perimeter of the rectangle = 2 × ( l + b )

= 2 × ( 62 + 50 )

= 224 cm

Perimeter of a square = 4a

Perimeter of the rectangle = 4 × Perimeter of a square

⇒ 224 = 4 × 4a

⇒ 4a = 56

⇒ a = 14 cm

Side of the square = 14 cm

10. What will be the area of trapezium whose parallel sides are 22 cm and 16 cm long, and the distance between them is 11 cm?

Answer: 209 cm2


Given that,

Parallel Sides = 22 cm, 26 cm

Distance = 11 cm

Area of a trapezium = ( 1 / 2 ) × ( Sum of parallel sides ) × ( Perpendicular distance between them )

= ( 1 / 2 ) × ( 22 + 16 ) × (11)

= ( 1 / 2 ) × ( 38 × 11 )

= ( 1 / 2 ) × (418)

= 209 cm2

Area of a trapezium is 209 cm2.

Problems for practices:

1. The area of a square is equal to five times the area of a rectangle of dimensions 125 cm × 64 cm. What is the perimeter of the square?

2. A wire in the form of a circle of radius 3.5 m is bent in the form of a rectangle, whose length and breadth are in the ratio of 6 : 5. What is the area of the rectangle?

3. The area of the square formed on the diagonal of a rectangle as its side is 108( 1 / 3 ) % more than the area of the rectangle. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 42m, find the difference between the sides of the rectangle?

4. The area of a square is 4096 sq cm. Find the ratio of the breadth and the length of a rectangle whose length is twice the side of the square and breadth is 24 cm less than the side of the square.

5. The parameter of a square is double the perimeter of a rectangle. The area of the rectangle is 480 sq cm. Find the area of the square.


Practise the above given mensuration problems with solutions to attend the competetive exams. Mensuration is an important topic in mathematics that requires a good understanding of shapes and their properties. Understanding mensuration problems can be difficult, and it often requires a lot of time and effort to solve them. So don't waste your precious time and start solving from today.

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