Things to Avoid in an Interview

Interview tips

Even the most experienced or confident candidate can become flustered and troubled during a job interview. It's a terrifying experience in which many things to do in an interview can go wrong at once.

Begin your interview by observing and listening. Prepare to answer common and even uncomfortable interview questions and answers. Make sure to leave the interviewer with a good impression of you as well as the conversation. Follow these Interview tips to succeed in your career.

Negative interview signs to be avoided

🔰 Arriving late for the interview.
🔰 Dressing inappropriately.
🔰 Fiddling with your phone and other distractions.
🔰 Obscure responses and rambling.
🔰 No questions to ask.
🔰 Making false statements on your CV and during the interview.
🔰 Becoming too personal.
🔰 Speaking negatively about previous jobs.
🔰 Talking about money or taking time off.
🔰 Negative body language and negative behaviours.
🔰 No thank you or follow-up.
🔰 Failure to appear.

Interviewing is an integral part of the employee selection process. An interview allows the employer to determine whether an applicant's skills, experience, and personality match the job's requirements. It also assists the employer in determining whether an applicant is likely to fit into the corporate culture. Furthermore, getting prepared for an interview can help clarify the responsibilities of a position.

Unique interview questions

📍 Tell me about yourself?
📍 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
📍 What are your hobbies and interests?
📍 What do you know about our company?
📍 What's your salary expectation?
📍 Can you handle working under pressure be able to work overtime?
📍 Do you have any tools to work from home?

These are the basic interview questions for freshers. So be an active listener with boosted confidence and emphasize the pleasant smile.


There are a lot of tips for staying positive during an interview. Our Nithra Jobs listed common job interview mistakes to avoid them for fresh candidates who are preparing for interviews. It's time to create your future through Nithra jobs.

Posted By: MobiDaniya.K

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